

Wow! 2012 Who would have thought back in 1999 when the world was going to end that we would be welcoming 2012. Happy New Year everyone! My New Years Resolution (well ONE of about 10) is to use this blog as my online journal. I am going to try and write everyday. Even if it is only one sentence, everyday! :)

Whuts ur New Years Resolution? I know alot of people say "I am going to lose weight." Which is totally awesome, however, they change 5 things at one time and get burnt out too fast. I say... Change ONE thing in your diet and that's it for 2 months. Then change something else... like start exercising 30 minutes daily. One small change at a time produces long lasting change! Yippee!

Well I am off to watch Robin Hood (mmmm... love me sum Russell Crowe) have a great day ya'll.  You never know. I may be back sooner than you think. Cuz thats my prerogative as a Princess. I do what I want!

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